What is “NNMV Tender EMD Management portal” ?
Tender EMD Management System through integrated software, to bring the EMD payment and refund, Bidder Management, verification and final submit, print acknowledgement receipt under a common web portal. System will provide the facility to capture and bidder details, manage and verify bidder, payment acknowledgement, transaction tracking & refund; and customized reports.
What are pre-requisites for registration of bidder with NNMV Tender EMD Portal ?
While registering on the portal bidder must ready with following:
  • A computer with Internet browser
  • Java Latest versions.
  • Operating System: Windows XP, Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32/64 bit)
  • Internet Browser Settings
  • Internet Connectivity
How to register online with NNMV Tender EMD Portal ?
Bidder can registrar by following below steps:
  • Please visit https://nnmvtender.in/register/Single
  • Select the bidder type
  • Fill the registration form
  • Submit the registration from by clicking the signup.
Who can register with NNMV Tender EMD Portal ?
In the NNMV tender portal three types of bidders can register in the portal:
  • Individual
  • Multiple
  • Company
After registration, can I participate in all e-tenders of NNMV ?
Yes, you can participate in all open tenders being floated by NNMV.
Can I recover my password ?
Yes, you can recover password from forget password link.
Can I submit multiple offers for the same tender ?
No, you can’t submit multiple offers for the same tender using same login.
Which type of documents can be uploaded/ attached in NNMV Portal ?
Only JPG, PNG, GIF file allowed. File size must be less than 500KB.
I am unable to upload document/file ?
Please check the file format. It must be JPG, PNG, GIF only and size must be less than 500KB.
Which type of payment mode available for making payment ?
All types of payment modes accepted in the NNMV tender portal.
What are the benefits in receiving / submitting tenders EMD online ?
Electronic or Online Tendering is just carrying out the same traditional tendering process in an electronic form, using the Internet. Using Online Tendering, the Bidders can:
  • Reduced costs - No postage, printing and traveling costs for bid documents to be sent to respective offices of NNMV.
  • Speed - Using the service means we will be able to shorten tendering periods for tenders, eliminate postage delays and rapidly disperse tender returns for evaluation, so providing faster decision-making.
  • Peace of Mind - Eliminates worries regarding timely delivery of documents against a deadline by giving instant delivery.
  • Efficiency - Enables tenders to be created, exchanged and stored electronically:
  • Receive notification of the relevant tenders EMD online.
  • Receive notification for selection /rejection at Techno-commercial Bid Evaluation Stage
When EMD will be refunded in the account ?
As per NNMV refund policy, amount will be refunded within 30 working days.